
  1. Veusz Tutorial
  2. Veusz Mac
  3. Veusz Graph
  4. Veusz Error Bars


Veusz is Open Source Free software used for scientific plotting and graphing. I have been using it extensively to create graphs on my website. Veusz 3.3.1 How to uninstall Veusz 3.3.1 from your system This web page contains thorough information on how to remove Veusz 3.3.1 for Windows. The Windows version was created by Jeremy Sanders. Open here where you can read more on Jeremy Sanders. Click on to get more info about Veusz 3.3.1 on Jeremy Sanders's website. The application is frequently located in the C.


Veusz is a scientific plotting package. It was written as I was dissatisfied with existing plotting packages as they were either old and unmaintained (like pgplot and qdp, which does not support postscript fonts), not free (like IDL or Matlab), or had user interfaces I do not appreciate (like gnuplot).

Veusz Tutorial

Veusz is designed to be easily extensible, and is written in Python, a high level language (in the future it may be necessary to write some parts in another language for speed, but this will be kept to an absolute minimum). It is also designed in an object oriented fashion, where a document is built up by a number of parts in a hierarchy. The advantage of using Python is that is is easy to allow the user to script Veusz using Python as a very powerful scripting language. Indeed, the saved file format is a Python script.

Veusz is designed to be easily extensible, and is written in Python, a high level lan- guage (in the future it may be necessary to write some parts in another language for speed, but this will be kept to.

The technologies behind Veusz include PyQt (a very easy to use Python interface to Qt, which is used for rendering and the graphical user interface, GUI) and numpy (a package for Python which makes the handling of large datasets easy).

Veusz has two user interfaces: a graphical one which gives the user a relatively shallow learning curve, and a command line interface. The command line interface is also used by scripting and in the saved file format.


Veusz Mac

Furthermore, Veusz can be embedded within other Python programs, with plots in their own windows, or it can be controlled from any other application.

Veusz Graph

2012-07-23 16:21:17 UTC

Veusz Error Bars

Hi All,
Caveat: new user to both Python and Veusz
I'm looking at different ways to use Python to work around some plotting
limitations in a commercial software package I use, where I would like to write
out many 2D grid datasets and post-process them via a python script. To that
end, I constructed the python script below. When I run the script I don't get
any error messages, but I don't get a plot of the data either. What I end up
with is an empty plot window with axes going from 0 to 1. For reference, the
example provided in the documentation does run without any problems. Any
suggestions regarding what I'm doing wrong?
import veusembed as veusz
import numpy as np
def gauss(xVal,yVal):
hw = 2.5
hw2 = 2.5 * 2.5
r2 = xVal * xVal + yVal * yVal
return np.exp(-r2/(2 * hw2))
# axis ranges
x = np.linspace(-5,5,101)
y = x
# calc gaussian
for ii in range(len(x)):
for jj in range(len(y)):
# plotting
vfig = veusz.Embedded('Grid Plot')
vfig.SetData2D('grid', dats, xrange=(-5,5), yrange=(-5,5))
vfig.Set('numLevels', 31)