Using Onenote With Outlook

Insert meetings from Outlook into OneNote. If you have meetings coming up in Outlook and want to. In OneNote, select the words that you want to be your task. In the menu that appears, click the arrow next to the Outlook Tasks button and choose a reminder. A flag appears next to your task in OneNote and your task is added to Outlook. Tip: You can also use this menu to add note tags.

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  1. Dragging and Dropping Files in OneNote
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Todd Carter and Diane Poremsky explain how information from other Office documents can be included in your OneNote notes.
This chapter is from the book
Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide

This chapter is from the book

This chapter is from the book

Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide

One of the strengths of OneNote is the ability to include information from other documents in your notes. You can include text directly or add links to other documents. Although OneNote lacks true integration with programs other than Outlook 2003, you can move information between OneNote and other programs by using copy and paste or by dragging blocks of text.

You can copy content from any program and use it in OneNote or insert a document file into your note, creating a clickable link to the file on your hard drive. You can also display images in your notes. Content copied from Internet Explorer includes a URL to the full article for future reference.

Although Outlook is the only Office application that is integrated with OneNote, you can copy content from OneNote into any Office program. Outlook integration allows you to create a task in Outlook from selected text in a note. You can send a note by e-mail and include the note file.

OneNote supports the formatting and spelling Smart Tags found in other Office programs and shares the same dictionary. Like all Office 2003 programs, OneNote supports the Research task pane, allowing you to search for information right from OneNote and copy it into your note file.

OneNote's Limitations

OneNote is at version 1, and as a result a number of features found in Office applications are missing from OneNote. OneNote doesn't support XML, which is a hallmark of Office 2003. It lacks OLE support and does not preserve the formulas or formatting when pasting as text from Excel or Word. Spell check in OneNote isn't as full featured as it is in Office; you can't add words to AutoCorrect from the right-click menu, for example.

OneNote also doesn't include the Equation editor or Word Art. It doesn't integrate with any version of Outlook other than Outlook 2003.

Dragging and Dropping Files in OneNote

You can drag and drop files to OneNote, creating a link to the file, unless it's an image file. When you drag an image file to OneNote, the image is displayed in the note body.

Using Onenote With Outlook

To drag and drop a file in OneNote:

  1. Open Windows Explorer and position it to the side of OneNote (Figure 9.1).

  2. Figure 9.1 Arrange Windows Explorer and OneNote side by side to make it easier to create links to files.

  3. Open your My Documents folder and select the file you want to include in your notes.

  4. Click and drag the selected file to OneNote and release the mouse button. You can click using either the left or right mouse button; both insert the file into the note.

  5. For most file types, dragging and dropping creates a link in your note, using the format <file:filename.ext>, where file:filename.ext is hyperlinked to the file (Figure 9.2).

    Figure 9.2 Insert files into your notes from Windows Explorer.

    When the file you drag is an image file, instead of adding a link to the image file, OneNote imports the file, and you can view the picture right from your note.


You can set OneNote to remain on top of other applications using the View > Keep Window on Top menu. Keeping OneNote on top when using Windows Explorer will allow you to more easily drag files to your notes.

Instead of opening Windows Explorer and OneNote side by side, you can drag files to the OneNote icon on the taskbar. Drag the file to the OneNote icon on the taskbar, holding the file over the icon. After a few seconds, OneNote comes to the front of the screen, and you can drop the file on the note page.

When you drag an image file into your note, you can resize the image to suit your needs. Select the image to display the blue resize handles; then click any handle and drag in or out to resize the image. To make the image keep its aspect ratio (so it's not distorted), drag one of the corner handles.

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You can use OneNote within Microsoft Teams, and this guide, we'll outline the steps to install, manage, and remove the app on Windows 10.

If Microsoft Teams and OneNote are already part of your daily work routine, instead of switching back and forth between apps and using additional steps to share notebooks with colleagues, you can install the OneNote app on Teams to simplify the experience.

Once the app is added to Microsoft Teams, you can add new or existing notebooks to share content (such as lits, notes, drawings, etc.) and collaborate with colleagues without breaking your workflow.

In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through the steps to integrate OneNote into Microsoft Teams.

  • How to install OneNote on Microsoft Teams
  • How to rename OneNote notebook on Microsoft Teams
  • How to remove OneNote notebook on Microsoft Teams
  • How to delete OneNote notebook on Microsoft Teams
  • How to uninstall OneNote on Microsoft Teams

How to install OneNote on Microsoft Teams

To add OneNote to a team or chat on Microsoft Teams, use these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click on Apps.
  3. Click on OneNote.

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    Quick tip: If you don't see the app, perform a query for 'OneNote' in the search box.

  4. Click the down-arrow button and select Add to a team or Add to a chat option.

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  5. Click the search box and specify the team to add OneNote.
  6. Click the Set up a tab button.

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  7. Click the Create New Notebook option.

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  8. Confirm the name for the new notebook for the team.

    Quick tip: You'll also notice an option to open an existing notebook using a link, but it's only supported for notebooks hosted in SharePoint or OneDrive for Business.

  9. Select the newly created notebook.

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  10. (Optional) Create new sections as needed.
  11. (Optional) Clear the Post to the channel about this tab option.
  12. Click the Save button.

Once you complete the steps, the notebook will be created in the Microsoft Teams storage, and anyone in the channel will be able to see and modify its contents.

Microsoft Teams

How To Use Onenote With Outlook 2016

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Microsoft Teams allows you to communicate and collaborate with colleagues, upload files, and chat through video. It integrates with Microsoft 365 and many other cloud services.

How to rename OneNote notebook on Microsoft Teams

To change the name of the OneNote notebook tab, use these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click on Teams or Chats depending on where the notebook is located.
  3. Click the down-arrow button and select the Rename option.

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  4. Confirm the new name.

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  5. Click the Save button.

After you complete the steps, the new name will be reflected in the notebook tab.

Rename notebook

To rename the actual OneNote file, use these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click on Teams or Chats depending on where the notebook is located.
  3. Click the Files tab.
  4. Select the OneNote notebook.

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  5. Click the Rename button.
  6. Confirm the new name.
  7. Click the Save button.

Once you complete the steps, the OneNote file and tab will reflect the new name.

How to remove OneNote notebook on Microsoft Teams

If you no longer need the OneNote notebook, you can always remove it from Microsoft Teams.

To remove a notebook on Teams, use these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click on Teams or Chats depending on where the notebook is located.
  3. Click the down-arrow button and select the Remove option.

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  4. Click the Remove button again.

Once you complete the steps, the OneNote notebook will no longer be available on Microsoft Teams.

How to delete OneNote notebook on Microsoft Teams

The action to remove doesn't delete the notebook and its content. It only removes it from the Teams experience. If you want to delete the notebook, you need to do it from the 'Files' tab.

To delete a notebook on Teams, use these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click on Teams or Chats depending on where the notebook is located.
  3. Click the Files tab.
  4. Select the OneNote notebook.

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  5. Click the Delete button.

After you complete the steps, the notebook will be deleted from Microsoft Teams.

Using Onenote With Outlook Calendar

If the notebook you're trying to delete isn't in the 'Files' tab, make sure you in the correct chat or team. You can also check the Files section from the left pane and see if the file appears under the OneDrive section.

How to uninstall OneNote on Microsoft Teams

To uninstall OneNote on Teams, use these steps:

Using Onenote With Outlook

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click on Teams.
  3. Right-click a team with the app and select the Manage team option.

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  4. Click the Apps tab.
  5. Click the Uninstall button for OneNote.

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  6. Click the Uninstall button again to confirm.

After you complete the steps, the app will be uninstalled from the team. Same as removing a notebook, uninstalling the app doesn't delete the notebooks or their contents. Alternatively, you can also right-click the OneNote icon from the left pane, and click the Uninstall button to remove it.

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