Inno Setup

  1. Inno Setup Install
  2. Inno Setup Download
  3. Inno Setup Download

Language syntax, snippets and build system for Inno Setup

Dec 10, 2013 The all in one Windows setup solution that enables you to manage contents inside WIM images and generate bootable USB drives and images. Inno Setup Compiler Windows Post-Install. Inno Setup is one of the best free tools for creating application installers. If you are a software programmer, this program is a must have. Inno Setup supports all Windows versions and allows you to create an EXE file that contains all of your application's files, which will be displayed in an interface with a.

Screenshot of Inno Setup in Visual Studio Code with Hopscotch theme


Extension Marketplace

Launch Quick Open, paste the following command, and press Enter

ext install idleberg.innosetup



With shell commands installed, you can use the following command to install the extension:

Inno Setup

$ code --install-extension idleberg.innosetup

Packaged Extension

Download the packaged extension from the the release page and install it from the command-line:

Alternatively, you can download the packaged extension from the Open VSX Registry or using the ovsx command-line tool:

Clone Repository

Change to your Visual Studio Code extensions directory:

Clone repository as innosetup:

Inno Setup Install


Inno Setup Download


Before you can build, make sure ISCC is in your PATH environmental variable. Alternatively, you can specify the path to ISCC in your user settings.


Note: If you're on non-Windows, you could specify the path to this bash script, which runs ISCC on Wine.

To trigger a build, select InnoSetup: Save & Compile” from the command-palette or use the default keyboard shortcut Shift+Alt+B.


Inno Setup Download

This work is licensed under The MIT License