A Shift

a fire deptartment term for a shift, they work every 3rd day. smug little fuckers who think they are better than the other two shifts. They will use any excuse to inflate their heads cause they think the KOOL-AID they drink together makes them super firefighter. They tell how much training they do, but it involves coffee and the price is right.
  1. A Shift In A Curve Represents A Change In
  2. A Shifty Merchant
  3. A Shift Ot
  4. A Shift Firefighter

A shift in glutamine fate may thus be required for malignant progression of cancer, with modulation of nitrogen metabolism being a potential approach to SCLC. Shift The completely reimagined way to buy or sell a used car The smart way to buy a used car. Shift is still WORKING! We understand that this is a difficult time with new COVID-19 restrictions, however we are still able to accept your bookings. All of our Drivers can collect and move your things and are reminded about essential PPE. Thank you for your patience and we.

I'd rather be a cop than an A-shifter.
God made A-shift to give the other 2 shifts a day off
B-shifter to an A-shifter- 'so did you guys clean the truck?'
A-shifter- 'NO! we where too busy drinking KOOL-AID! and we ran 2 calls so we where way to busy to take time to clean the truck!'
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v. collectively or individually finding someone/something to blame for a problem, as opposed to brainstorming which connotes finding solutions to a problem
n. the act of finding someone/something to blame for a problem
(from a TV ad for HD television)
The committee commenced blamestorming over the situation rather than seeking solutions to the problem.
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a person who says something one day then changes their opinion to the opposite the next on a continuousbasis
Trent: Bro, Melvin told me to fuck off and get out of his life last week, now he's saying i love you and acting like a mate
Abanoub: Yeah what a freak, he's done that like 20 times to me, such a shift.
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A shifty merchant
One of the fire departments 3 shifts. Training involves checking cracks in their eye lids and making sure the dexterity of the couches doesn't diminish. These ass clowns arnt worried about how clean the engine is because its just a work truck and they only have time to run calls because they are so busy with 'training' otherwise. If you like being a worthless piece of shit this is the shift for you!
A-shifter: 'Hey guys, I know i just got food from lunch all over the floor but i have to make sure the couch is stable enough for my fat ass so ill be over there'
B-shifter to A-shifter: 'I took a shit this morning, looked down and there you were floating in the toilet. I said what the hell are you doin here so early this morning? let me help you out, flush!
A shifty merchant
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1 of 3 shifts used in fire department scheduling. It is by far better than the other 2 shifts with the best firefighters to do the job right the first time. If your house is on fire pray that A-shift is working if you would like your house to be saved. If your house ends up in the basement it's probably because B or C shift showed up.
Person 1: 'Thank god B-shift was working to save my house and my family, We owe those guys our lives!'
Person 2: “A-shift is God’s gift to man kind!”
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Apr 25 trending

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose

Caesar cipher is also known as Shift Cipher. This shifting property can be hidden in the name of Caesar variants, eg.:

CD code, C = D, the shift is 1

Jail (JL) code, J = L, the shift is 2

Ellen (LN) code, L = N, the shift is 2

Cutie (QT) code, Q = T, the shift is 3

Eiffel (FL) code, F = L, the shift is 6


A Shift In A Curve Represents A Change In

WC code, W = C, the shift is 6

Empty (MT) code, M = T, the shift is 7

Baden Powell (scoutism founder), B = P, the shift is 14

Any (NE) code, N = E, the shift is 17

A Shifty Merchant

See You (CU) code, C = U, the shift is 18

I See (IC) code, I = C, the shift is 20

Easy (EZ) code, E = Z, the shift is 21

CEASAR (with a wrong spelling) where E=A or A=E, the shift is either +4 or -4 (=22)

Any 2-letter code that can give an association between a crypted char and the plain one (see gramograms)

ROT13 code, the shift is 13 and reversible

ROT5 code for digits, the shift is 5 and reversible

A Shift Ot

ROT47 code for ASCII printable characters, the shift is 47 and reversible

A Shift Firefighter

More generally ROT-N with N the shift, if N < 26 then the Latin alphabet is used, else it can be any other custom alphabet.