Open Vsd File Online


  • First, you need to upload a file: drag & drop your VSD file or click inside the white area to choose a file. Then you will be redirected to the viewer application.
  • The viewer app works fast. Typically it takes a couple of seconds to open a VSD file.
  • 🛡️ Is it safe to view VSD files using free GroupDocs Viewer?
    Of course! The preview files will be available instantly after the file uploaded. We will delete the uploaded file after 24 hours.
  • 💻 Can I open & view files VSD on Linux, Mac OS, or Android?
    Yes, you can use the free GroupDocs Viewer on any operating system that has a web browser. Our VSD viewer works online and does not require any software installation.
  • You can use any modern browser to view VSD files, for example, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera, or Safari.
  • </> What code is running on the server-side to render VSD files?
    Detailed code examples are available at GitHub in the form of executable projects. If you are only interested in rendering VSD files then check .NET & Java examples.

Publish the tile package to ArcGIS Online. Publish a hosted elevation layer from the tile package in ArcGIS Online. Feature collection. Created in the following ways: Export from a hosted feature layer. Add CSV files, shapefiles, or map notes to a map in Map Viewer Classic and save as a feature collection using Save Layer. Feature collection. VSD files contain advanced diagrams and vector graphics. VSD file format is very handy for business presentations. It includes texts, data, images, and various information flows and presents them in a lively and simple manner. The presentation of diagrams, organizational charts, and complicated flowcharts has become very easy with VSD files.

If you have privileges to create content, you can add many different types of content as items to ArcGIS Online. You can add most item types through Content > My Content > Add Item. Other types of items, such as a web map item, are automatically added to ArcGIS Online when you create and save them through a related app or workflow—for example, creating a map in Map Viewer (formerly known as Map Viewer Beta) or in Map Viewer Classic (formerly known as Map Viewer ).

You can upload files up to 500 GB to My Content through a web browser.

Items you add to ArcGIS Online

The following table shows the types of items you can add through Content > My Content > Add Item. The table also indicates whether and where the item type can be displayed, as well as whether it can be published as a hosted web layer or downloaded.

Item typeNotes

360 VR Experience (.3vr)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

AppBuilder widget package (.zip)

  • Only organization administrators can add this type of item
  • Display not supported
  • Download

Application (URL)

  • Display in web apps

ArcGIS Desktop add-in (.esriaddin)

  • Display in desktop apps

ArcGIS Explorer add-in (.eaz)

  • Display in desktop apps

ArcGIS Explorer application configuration (.ncfg)

  • Display in desktop apps

ArcGIS Explorer document (.nmf)

  • Display in desktop apps

ArcGIS Explorer layer (.nmc)

  • Display in desktop apps

ArcGIS for Windows Mobile package (.wmpk)

  • Download

ArcGIS Pro add-in (.esriaddinx)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

ArcGIS Pro configuration (.proconfigX)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

ArcGlobe document (.3dd)

  • Display in desktop apps

ArcMap document (.mxd)

  • Display in desktop apps

ArcPad package (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

ArcReader document (.pmf)

  • Display in desktop apps

ArcScene document (.sxd)

  • Display in desktop apps

CityEngine web scene (.3ws)

  • Display in web and desktop apps
  • Download

Code sample (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Comma-separated values (CSV) collection (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Comma-separated values (CSV) file (.csv)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic
  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawing (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Deep learning package (.zip or .dlpk)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Desktop application (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Desktop application template (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Desktop style (.stylx)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Document link (URL to online document)

  • Display not supported

Earth configuration (.xml)**

  • Use in ArcGIS Earth

Feature service (URL)

  • Display in Map Viewer, Map Viewer Classic, Scene Viewer, and desktop apps

File geodatabase (.zip)

  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Geocode service (URL)

  • Use in web and desktop apps
  • Display not supported

Geodata service (URL)

  • Use in web and desktop apps
  • Display not supported

GeoJSON file (.geojson or .json)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic
  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Geometry service (URL)

  • Use in web and desktop apps
  • Display not supported

Geoprocessing package (.gpk)

  • Use in desktop apps
  • Download

Geoprocessing sample (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Geoprocessing service (URL)

  • Use in web and desktop apps
  • Display in desktop apps

Globe service (URL)

  • Display in desktop apps

GML (.zip)**

  • Download

Image collection (.zip)

  • Download

Image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, or .tiff)*

  • Download

Image service (URL)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic, Scene Viewer, and desktop apps

iWork Keynote (.zip)**

  • Display not supported
  • Download

iWork Numbers (.zip)**

  • Display not supported
  • Download

iWork Pages (.zip)**

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb)**

  • Use in ArcGIS Notebooks

Keyhole markup language (KML) collection (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Keyhole markup language (KML) file (.kml, .kmz)

  • Display in Map Viewer, Map Viewer Classic, and desktop apps
  • Download

Layer (.lyrx)

  • Display in desktop apps

Layer file (.lyr)

  • Display in desktop apps

Layer package (.lpk or .lpkx)

  • Display in desktop apps

Layout (.pagx)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Locator package (.gcpk)

  • Display in desktop apps
  • Download

Map package (.mpk or .mpkx)

  • Display in desktop apps
  • Download

Map service (URL)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic, Scene Viewer, and desktop apps

Map service definition (MSD) (.msd)

  • Display in desktop apps

Map template (.zip)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Microsoft Excel document (.xls or .xlsx)**

  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Microsoft PowerPoint document (.ppt or .pptx)**

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Microsoft Visio document (.vsd)**

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)**

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Mobile application (URL)

  • Display in mobile apps

Mobile basemap package (.bpk)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Mobile map package (.mmpk)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Mobile scene package (.mspk)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Network analysis service (URL)

  • Use in web and desktop apps
  • Display not supported

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) GeoPackage (.gpkg)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS) (URL)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic and desktop apps

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) (URL)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic, Scene Viewer, and desktop apps

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) (URL)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic, Scene Viewer, and desktop apps

Photos with locations (.zip)***

  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Portable Document Format (PDF) (.pdf)**

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Pro map (.mapx)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Pro report (.rptx)**

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Project package (.ppkx)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Project template (.aptx)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Raster function template (.rft.xml or .rft.json)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Rule package (.rpk)

  • Display not supported
  • Download

Scene layer package (.spk or .slpk)

  • Display not supported
  • Can be published as hosted scene layer
  • Download

Scene service (URL)

  • Display in Scene Viewer and desktop apps

Service definition (SD) (.sd)

  • Display not supported
  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Shapefile (.zip)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic
  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Stream service (URL)

  • Display in Map Viewer Classic and Scene Viewer

Survey123 add-in (beta) (.surveyaddin)**

  • Display in Survey123
  • Download

Tile package (.tpk or .tpkx)

  • Display in desktop apps
  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Vector tile package (.vtpk)

  • Display not supported
  • Publish as a hosted web layer
  • Download

Web mapping application (URL)

  • Display in web apps

Workflow Manager service (URL)

  • Display not supported

Workflow Manager package (.wpk)

  • Download

*If you publish a hosted feature layer, only feature classes (x,y features only), tables, attachments, and relationship classes will be published.

**You must have an organizational account to add this item.

Free Program To Open Vsd File

***Once uploaded, photos with locations are stored as an image collection item.

Items you create in ArcGIS Online

Some item types are automatically added to My Content when you create and save them through a related app or workflow, but they can't be added through Add Item. For example, a web map item is created through Map Viewer, Map Viewer Classic, ArcGIS Pro, or Content > My Content > Create, and a web scene item is created through Scene Viewer, ArcGIS Pro, or Content > My Content > Create.

Open Vsd File Online

The following table shows the types of items that are added to ArcGIS Online automatically when you create and save them:

Item typeNotes

Administrative report*

Created from Organization > Status > Reports.

Big data analytic*

Created in ArcGIS Velocity.

Color set

Created in ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap.


Created in the following ways:

  • Create from Content > My Content > Create.
  • Create in ArcGIS Dashboards.

Elevation layer

Created through the following steps:

  1. Create a tile package in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Publish the tile package to ArcGIS Online.
  3. Publish a hosted elevation layer from the tile package in ArcGIS Online.

Feature collection

Created in the following ways:

  • Export from a hosted feature layer.
  • Add CSV files, shapefiles, or map notes to a map in Map Viewer Classic and save as a feature collection using Save Layer.

Feature collection template

Created in ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap.

Feature layer

Created in the following ways:

  • Create from Content > My Content > Create.
  • Publish from a CSV file, ArcGIS Promap, feature collection, or other data source.
  • Create from another hosted feature layer or a template.
  • Author and publish from ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap.


Created in ArcGIS Velocity.


Created in ArcGIS Survey123.

Hub event*

Created in ArcGIS Hub.

Hub initiative template*

Created in ArcGIS Hub.

Hub site application

Created in the following ways:

  • Create from Content > My Content > Create.
  • Create in ArcGIS Hub.

Imagery layer

Created in ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap and published to ArcGIS Online.

Insights model (URL)

Created in ArcGIS Insights.

Insights page (URL)

Created in ArcGIS Insights.

Insights theme (URL)*

Created in ArcGIS Insights.

Insights workbook (URL)

Created in ArcGIS Insights.

Locator (view)

Created from Content > My Content > Create.

Map image layer

Created in ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap and published to ArcGIS Online.

Native application

Created in ArcGIS AppStudio.

Native application installer

Created in ArcGIS AppStudio.


Created from Content > My Content > Create.

Oriented imagery catalog

Created in ArcGIS Pro.

QuickCapture project*

Created in ArcGIS QuickCapture designer.

Real time analytic*

Created in ArcGIS Velocity.

Relational database connection (URL)

Created in ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap.

Report template

Created in ArcGIS Business Analyst.

Route layer

Created in the following ways:

  • Save the layer resulting from running an analysis tool such as Plan Routes.
  • Save the layer created after getting directions in Map Viewer Classic.

Scene layer

Created by publishing from a hosted feature layer or from a scene layer package in ArcGIS Pro.

Statistical data collection

Created in ArcGIS Business Analyst.


Created by Esri.


Created from Content > My Content > Create.

StoryMap theme*

Created in ArcGIS StoryMaps.

Symbol set

Created in ArcMap.


Created in any software that supports the creation of tabular data such as spreadsheets.

Tile layer

Created in the following ways:

  • Create from Content > My Content > Create.
  • Publish from a hosted feature layer or file.
  • Author and publish from ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap.

Urban model*

Created from Content > My Content > Create.

Vector tile layer

Created in the following ways:

  • Publish from a hosted feature layer.
  • Author and publish from ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap.

Web experience

Created in the following ways:

  • Create from Content > My Content > Create.
  • Create in ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Web experience template*

Created in ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Web map

Created in Map Viewer, Map Viewer Classic, or ArcGIS Pro.

Web mapping application

Created in the following ways:

  • Create from Content > My Content > Create.
  • Create in ArcGIS Configurable Apps and ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.

Web scene

Created in Scene Viewer or ArcGIS Pro.

Workforce project

Created in ArcGIS Workforce.

Open Vsd File Without Visio

*You must have an organizational account to use this item.