
AltaVista::SearchSDK - Perl extension for AltaVista Search Software Development Kit

I had never heard of this foreign produced film, but ordered same based on the story line, music, and acting. The two leads, Ed Harris and Diane Kruger are brilliant in the roles of Beethoven and his copyist, Anna, sent from a distant music school to copy the score of The Ninth Symphony several days prior to its premier. Cbbe physics & Vanilla Cloths - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Troubleshooting: Dear community I am a little desperate right know and hope that someone here can help me out. My goal was/is to add breast Physics to the vanilla Outfits - but I just can`t get it to work - when I copy the selected Boneweights, the breast on the Outfit ALLWAYs completly deform (only tried it with the Vanilla Vault suit. // File: ex5-1.cpp #include using namespace std; class Thing private: int x; double y; public: Thing(int arg1 = 0, double arg2 = 0.0); // constructor void copyThing. ASP or Active Server Pages was a Microsoft web service in the early days of dynamic web pages. Though generally no longer a cutting edge technology, it is still used in a surprisingly large number of web sites. So whilst they may try and avoid copything themselves over and over again, they'll fail - they'll go back to what works in their eyes. IMO, since about Season 7 of SG-1 (not to include S1 of Atlantis, which was fresh and new, and GOOD), you've slowly began to see more and more cracks in the lining in terms of storyline and the writing of.

avs_adddate(idx, yr, mo, da, startloc)

avs_addfield(idx, pFname, startloc, endloc)

avs_addliteral(idx, pWord, loc)

avs_addvalue(idx, valtype, value, loc)

avs_addword(idx, pWords, loc, pNumWords)


avs_buildmode_ex(idx, ntiers)


avs_compact(idx, bMore_p)


Copy Thing

avs_compact_minor(idx, bMore_p)

avs_count(idx, pWordPrefix, pCountsHdl)






avs_define_valtype(name, minval, maxval, valtype_p)

avs_deletedocid(idx, pDocId, pCount)

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avs_getsearchresults(searchHdl, resultNum)

avs_getsearchterms(psearchHdl, termNum, term, count)




avs_open(path, mode, pIdx)



avs_search(idx, pQuery, pBoolQuery, pOptions, pDocsFound, pDocsReturned, pTermCount, pSearchHdl)


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avs_search_ex(idx, pQuery, pBoolQuery, pOptions, searchsince, pDocsFound, pDocsReturned, pTermCount, pSearchHdl)

avs_search_genrank(idx, pBoolQuery, pRankTerms, pRankSetup, pOptions, searchsince, pDocsFound, pDocsReturned, pSearchHdl)



avs_search_getdate(psearchHdl, year, month, day)




avs_setdocdata(idx, pDocData, len)

avs_setdocdate(idx, year, month, day)

avs_setdocdatetime(idx, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

avs_setparseflags(idx, parseflags)

avs_setrankval(idx, valtype, value)

avs_startdoc(idx, pDocId, flags, pStartLoc)



avs_create_options(limit, timeout, flags)

This set of extensions provides wrappers for all the C functionality of the AltaVista Search software development kit (SDK) except for a few functions that did not make sense to export to perl.

All the functions of the 97 Rev B kit are available as advertised, except for the following:

avs_add_ms_callback UNIMPLEMENTED

It makes no sense to implement this function, since it would require being able to pass a C function handle through perl.

avs_addrankterms UNIMPLEMENTED

Internal function


No easy way to provide filter function

avs_search_getdata_copy UNIMPLEMENTED

No need for this function

avs_search_getdocid_copy UNIMPLEMENTED

No need for this function

avs_search_getrelevance RETURN ARGUMENT

Relevance is returned as a string representation of the float

Perl 5.004, the AltaVista SearchSDK 97 Rev B

To install this module, move into the directory where this file is located. First copy avs.h and libavs97b.a from your AltaVista SearchSDK source hierarchy into this directory. Then type the following:

This will install the module into the Perl library directory.


James M. Turner <>

Copything (C) 1998 The Christian Science Publishing Society. All rights reserved

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl(1), AltaVista Search SDK documentation.

This beta version has been tested in a live environment for certain conditions, but has by no means been extensively tested. In particular, it has not been tested on anything but Solaris 2.5 on an Ultra. Please let me know if you get it work under other platforms or operating systems.

To install AltaVista::SearchSDK, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.


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For more information on module installation, please visit the detailed CPAN module installation guide.